Hong Kong is one of the most stressed cities in the world. Under constant societal changes and the prolonged pandemic, many Hongkongers suffer from physical and mental exhaustion. Happiness levels might have repeatedly hit new lows, but there are simple ways to help us find joy in our everyday life.
Science has proved that spending just 20 minutes in nature leads to a drop in stress hormones, with the effect lasting for 2-3 weeks. Indeed, doctors around the world are now prescribing “nature pills” for patients to improve their health. Nature is a free remedy for stress and anxiety, and given that 75% of our land is countryside, we are blessed with abundant resources that could be leveraged to improve well-being.
Nature Bathing was founded back in 2017 as a social enterprise, with the mission to connect people and nature to uplift well-being. We utilize a nature-based approach supported by scientific evidence, integrating Nature Healing, Nature Play, Multi-sensory experience and Nature Art to improve physical and mental well-being. Our team works with listed companies, government departments, shopping malls, nonprofits and more than 300 schools to design and organize innovative nature-themed programs.
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to get in touch with nature. Therefore, we actively look for resources and partners so as to subsidize underprivileged groups to participate in nature programs.
Our dynamic and vibrant team works together with dedication to help Hongkongers de-stress and find happiness. We are currently expanding our team, and welcome you who dare to innovate, love nature and care about the community to join our work and be part of the movement!
大家好呀 我係Monica呀,係遊沐嘅暑期實習生,而家喺香港中文大學嘅新聞及傳播學院讀緊二年級。作為一個都市人,我好容易會事事緊張,而我覺得大自然最神奇嘅地方就係佢總係可以帶俾我一份難得嘅平靜 我平時最鍾意係坐喺碼頭,靜靜咁望住海面上嘅湧浪,坐下坐下,咁樣就一個下晝喇。
話時話啊,你地有無自己嘅自然名稱架? 你地可以叫我枯葉。
見到枯葉你地會諗起咩呢?死氣沉沉嘅顏色?萬物凋零嘅季節? 我就覺得見到枯葉會令我有滿滿嘅正能量。凋落嘅樹葉雖然結束左喺樹上嘅旅程、脫落、失去原來嘅色彩,但係佢選擇咗賦予生命另一重意義,利用自己剩餘嘅養分繼續滋養大地。我覺得大自然入面嘅一花一草都有住自己嘅角色同功能,好期待喺呢兩個月喺遊沐嘅實習生活可以好似枯葉咁好好探索一下自己嘅定位同大自然間嘅聯繫。